8 am - Wakey wakey time. Usually Ry wakes up around the time K leaves for work at 730 am.
8 - 830 am - Changing the boys out of their pjs and diapers.
830 - 9 am - Breakfast time together with some light reading of SG news, checking mails, FB etc.
9 - 11 am - Either watch TV with Ry or play with him. Followed by feeding Ry and Br cheerios and cereal respectively and hoping to get baby to take his nap after his feed.
11 - 1 pm - Preparing lunch, cooking, feeding Ry his lunch and having lunch together with K. It can be either a smooth sequence as stated or an extremely interrupted and noisy session from Br's crying and Ry's tantrums.
1.30 - 3pm - Hopefully, Ry will take his 1 hour nap and I can take a slight rest and attend to baby Br alone, while surfing the net and doing some urgent chores. If not, it will be just TV time / playtime again!
3.30 - 5 pm - Playground time if weather is good. This is the time I most look forward to or else I think I'll lose my sanity if Ry never get to go out.
Our favourite time of the day - at the playground where there are toys and activities that can occupy the boys.
5 - 6 pm - Bath time for the boys.
6 - 630 pm - Preparing food for dinner. Hopefully, K can come home by 630 pm to entertain the boys while I can concentrate on cooking. Sometimes, I make dinner for Ry first and feed him.
630 - 745 pm - Cooking dinner followed by having dinner with K.
8 - 9 pm - Chill out time for me when K plays with Ry.
9 - 930 pm - Preparing boys for bedtime and hopefully, they can all go to sleep by 930 pm which happens like once in a blue moon. Ry usually sleeps by 930 pm.
930 - 1030 pm - May still be trying to put Br to sleep while he sleeps, wakes, feeds, sleeps and wakes and feeds again.
1030 - 11pm - Hopefully, bedtime for me! If not, it will just be the whole s,w,f cycle of getting Br to sleep soundly.
Wonders what will happen to my day when I get home to SG?
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