Since we missed last year strawberry picking, we had been waiting eagerly this year for the strawberry season so that we can go pick the juicy strawberries. So, once we found out that all the farms have announced that they are opened for strawberry picking in June, we immediately head out to Shelburne farm in Acton the first June Sunday morning. This is the second time we've been to Shelburne farm and we love it here because of the wide variety of activities available for kids and its huge compound that make us feel less claustrophobic when there are huge crowds out there. However, we were pretty surprised by the lack of people yesterday and the activities were not set up for kids yet. According to the young guy there manning the entrance, this was because this was the first year they planted strawberries for picking and they are more famous for apples instead, so they do not expect a huge crowd this season.
I was showing Ry how to pick strawberries.
This is the first time Ry could pick fruits without help from the adults!
We were not disappointed though as we thought this may be a blessing in disguise since it means lowering the risk of human contact especially during this H1N1 flu spread. In fact, we had a great time picking out strawberries as we were there pretty early, thanks to KP's "kiasuism" as he says the ripe strawberries would be cleared out by noon according to his research. And, I must add, fresh strawberries taste nothing like strawberries bought from supermarkets. They were so juicy, sweet and crunchy and taste so much of freshness that it already made me salivate now while thinking and blogging about it. Yummy!This is the first time Ry could pick fruits without help from the adults!
Ry's favourite pose recently whenever we say "cheese" or "smile". I figured his hand sign is an attempt of the "V" sign.
We managed to pick 3 pounds of strawberries within an hour and by the time we were done, more people were arriving. And KP was right about the fact that ripe strawberries do get cleared out from the field pretty quickly because by the time we were done, the 7-8 lanes that were opened for picking were pretty much cleared out of the big, red and ripe ones. We'll definitely be going for strawberry picking every Sunday morning in June if weather permits and nothing else planned in the way! Yay!
Br sucking his 2 fingers to make himself fall asleep in the car on our drive back from the farm. It's so cuteeee that I can't resist taking the picture of him!
This is one of the rare occasions that Ry went to hug baby brother voluntarily - probably a result of his good mood after enjoying a day out! Hope more of these will come and less of the jealous little tot we see now!
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